Elvis Fan by luke morgan
controlling the fans
luke morgan with his fan
” Not Collin” by luke morgan shown at the plus arts project, 80 artists 100 hours
“the man who chose evil” by luke morgan, picture taken at the anti art festival, first shown at vintage at goodwood.
“conjugating fuck” by luke morgan, picture taken at the anti art festival,
“shit tv” by luke morgan, picture taken at the anti art festival
“question mark” by luke morgan, picture taken at the anti art festival
art works for let it rock, vintage at goodwood, picture taken in the studio
“colin” large steel skull commissioned by richard upton of the cathedral group, this piece was on public display in the entrance to st thomas’s church, st thomas st, london se1 9ry below the old operating theatre.
shoe images ready to go in the shoe loo, the depford project.
“manacle chair” and “whipping stallion” both sculptures by luke morgan, picture taken at the edge gallery, article in the gaurdian.
the bollocks coffee table photo by richard learoyd
screen prints of shoes first shown at designers block
skull screen print for the old operating theatre
shoe plate, platforms, screen printed and fired into the ceramic
shoe plate, creepers, screen printed and fired into the ceramic